Painkiller [KILLER] Presale is now OPEN!
Users can join now the Security Token Presale on Pinksale Launchpad
We officially announce that the pre-sale of the Painkiller security token [KILLER] by Umbrella Project on Pinksale Launchpad is active.

How to join to the Painkiller [KILLER] presale?
Users can join clicking on the link below:
❗❗❗ Make sure that you’re in the right pool — aware of scams!-❗❗❗

📅About this presale:
✅Token name: KILLER
✅Protocol: BSC
✅Standard: BEP20
✅Initial Supply: 4,000,000 KILLER
✅Max Supply: 10,000,000 KILLER
✅Launchpad Presale Supply: 1,000,000 KILLER
✅Launchpad Token Price: 1 BNB = 2,200 KILLER
✅Soft Cap: 148 BNB
✅Hard Cap: 297 BNB
✅Presale Start: May 01, 2022 00.00 UTC
✅Presale End: May 15, 2022 00.00 UTC
✅Available Supply for Token Public Sale: 25%
Once the presale of the Painkiller [KILLER] token through Pinksale ends, this Launchpad will automatically grant liquidity to the asset through Pancakeswap. This will be done automatically, and the token will be available in Pancakeswap for exchange after 30 days after the presale phase ends.
In the next weeks, Painkiller [KILLER] will be listed in Coinmarketcap and Coingecko.
What is Painkiller [KILLER] Security Token and why?
The Painkiller Security Token [KILLER] represents the total shares of the Umbrella Project.
The stages of this security token will be the following:
✅1. Release on Launchpad — Presale (with KYC verification, equipment supply block, collaborator supply block, anti-rug pull system, anti-whale system):
The DEX platform that will be used to carry out said event is PINKSALE DEX LAUNCHPAD. There will be only one presale stage for a limited time. Once it is finished, Pinksale platform will grant liquidity to the token and people will be able to exchange it freely. This token will have a vesting period of 60 days, for collaborators and partners of the project. It is important to note that the presale price (before launch) will have a promotional value.
✅2. Launch on Centralized Exchanges and Decentralized Platforms:
The security token will be listed on centralized exchanges (such as Binance, Kucoin, Coinbase, Huobi Global, Bitmart, among others) and decentralized exchange platforms (Poocoin, Pancakeswap, Uniswap, among others). It will be available for purchase and free availability, at the end of the presale stage on the Launchpad.
✅3. Swap function integration in the Umbrella Portal
Through the Umbrella Project Portal ( players will be able to exchange their UMBL utility tokens for KILLER tokens, and vice versa, at a specified exchange rate.
The Painkiller [KILLER] Security Token is the one that will hold the Umbrella Project’s overall liquidity. The total supply of this token will be 10,000,000 KILLER.
IMPORTANT: New KILLER tokens cannot be created (exceeding the total supply), due to their fixed supply nature.
🔒Token Active Lockups✅
For those who doubt our project, we have blocked the entire initial supply (4,000,000 KILLER) as follows:
1,600,000 KILLER Pinksale Launchpad Presale Supply and Team Supply Lockup.